Game design as an art medium enables me to create whatever ideas I have in any form that I choose. I can think of an object and draw it, model it, build it, anything I want. Working with different materials, both physical and digital, adds depth to my understanding of 3D objects.

When I’m not working on art or creating games, I’m coming up with new recipes to cook and catching up on my favorite games and shows. Food is how I connect with others and learn from the world around me. Just like with my work, I’ve taken time to study techniques to improve my dishes.

I love asking questions and learning from others. Every experience is an opportunity to grow into a more polished form. Working with people and leading others has sharpened my metaphorical Blade of Skills and I am excited to use it in more practical settings.

Download my resume here !

High Point University | 2022

Bachelor of Arts

Games and Interactive Media Design

High Point University | 2023

Bachelor of Arts

Studio Art


  • I am always open to new challenges to push my comfort zone, but I have always loved architecture and interior design. Prop and environment design are the perfect routes to create a lively zone and mass-produce little objects to fill the area. My time working on Lamplight was happily spent creating coffee shops and libraries all with a steampunk twist. My new interest lately has been using the pictures I take on my travels as inspiration for isometric scenes.

  • Gaming, both casually and competitively, is a safe space to have fun at my own pace. In college, I was the manager and a player for the Overwatch team for 2 years. Working with the esports program and playing competitively pushed my appreciation for games further than the single-player adventure games I normally stick with. Adventure games like the Arkham series and Assassin’s Creed games give me the chance to explore a dense environment, while Hades and Call of Duty have quick arcade sessions I can play casually. I want to create games that make people smile and are, above all else, fun!

    Honorable mentions to games I enjoy:

    Kirby: Squeak Squad, Gato Roboto, Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017), Hogwarts Legacy

  • Seeing other cultures than the one I am familiar with gives me new views on how I view the world. Learning how to adapt to a different lifestyle deepens my understanding of the culture. I use diverse locations as inspiration for games and art.

    Through High Point University, I was able to travel to both Japan and Italy during my time as a student. I saw historic temples and bright buildings in Tokyo, and the most influential art and food throughout Italy’s most beautiful cities. Each location I visit helps me appreciate the culture from a first-hand perspective.

  • It’s kind of silly but I love objects that have specific purposes. Items like letter openers, pizza cutters, and tape dispensers were all created for their specific tasks and I think that’s pretty cool. My favorite movie is Men in Black and my top music genre right now is deep house.

  • I’ll update this list as my taste changes, but here are some album suggestions for now! I listen to every genre of music depending on my mood and the weather, but these always pop into my head.

    I Want to Die In New Orleans - $uicideboy$

    Oncle Jazz - Men I Trust

    Cocodrillo Turbo - Action Bronson

Let's create together

Let's create together